Local Bengali village and people:


The rivers that run through the villages are usually pretty dirty. As you saw in the photos above, people was their clothes, pans, dishes and bathe in the river. In order to have a supply of fresh water for drinking and cooking, small clean streams are used. Here the local villagers constructed a bamboo channel for the fresh water, making it easy to collect for household use.


Following photos are from a Tripura village. Originally Buddhist, many of them were converted to Christianity by missionaries (Mostly by bribing them with food)


The following day I walked through the jungle down to the river and hired a local boat to take me to Bandarban


On the first page I have a photo of small red flowers for sale at a market, here they are growing in the jungle.




The water level in the river was pretty low when I was here, the dry parts of the riverbed contain very fertile soil and are used to grow vegetables.


Trip down the river


Burmese Buddhist temple in Bandarban


Boys at a local fair, the first one is selling betel nuts/leaves to chew, the second is working at a carnival game. If you throw the ring around the packet you win. Everybody wants the packs of cigarettes, second prize is....soap!


Views of and around the bamboo hut where I stayed