Kuching (w), Sarawak


Muslim cemetery, Kuching


Local house


Chinese cemetery


Small park


Local KFC, all of the workers here (except the manager) are deaf/mute and communicate using sign language. You order by pointing at a special menu and using hand gestures (unless you know the international sign language). This is a great idea, too bad the KFC restaurant in America don't do the same...


Small Chinese temple, Kuching.


Fort Margarita, Kuching.


These old binoculars, mounted on the fort wall, came from a Nazi ship. Must have had an interesting history...


Lanterns at a market


Kuching Mosque


Chinese temple, Miri


Proton car, Miri petroleum museum. The car was mounted on an earthquake simulator, you can sit inside, put on a seatbelt and select from a panel what type of an earthquake you want to experience. Quite cool actually..


Niah Caves National Park (w), I was also here in 2006. The old pictures are on my old Malaysia page


Local village longhouse (w)


Dayak man in a local village, unfortunately he barely spoke English and I didn't have anyone to translate. He is most likely a worker that collects birds nest (w), a guess I'm basing on his tattoo of cave swifts


His tattoos, the dragon is for protection. I noticed other people in the village had the exact same tattoo


Cave swift tattoo, he most likely works collecting them in the nearby caves